MY Masquenada

An end to soot on Masquenada


MY Masquenada

An end to soot on Masquenada


The 51-metre Masquenada was originally launched as Aspire in 2007 by the Chinese yard Penglai. As part of a comprehensive refit in 2021 the owners of this expedition superyacht had two Kohler generators installed. Unfortunately, the system faced problems in part-load status with soot formation both in the exhaust system and around the yacht.

The Chief Engineer of Masquenada was already familiar with Xeamos having had various positive experiences with our service in the past. He was convinced that we could solve the problems that Masquenada was facing and has since been proven right! 

The solution was to fit a zero-soot filter with an electrical heater, and Masquenada now benefits from both active regeneration and an integrated bypass. Everything was installed to exactly the right specifications for the yacht and the owners are very pleased.